Your Therapy Options Explained + 3 Steps for Finding the Right Help


When your child is diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder (ND), it can spark a lot of questions — the most urgent one usually being, What do we do now?

The first step is knowing that you have options.

While there are no “cures” for NDs, there are many treatments that have been proven to help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. Which one is right for your child will depend on their specific diagnosis and symptoms.

Behavioral Therapies Are Regarded As the Most Effective

At Ball Four, we focus our advocacy and educational outreach on behavioral therapies based on applied behavioral analysis (ABA), since these are widely regarded as the most effective interventions that are currently available.

According to statistics from Golden Steps ABA, “up to 50% of children who receive early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) can make significant gains in cognitive and language development.”

There are many different types of ABA to choose from, and a treatment approach can be either comprehensive or focused, based on your child's strengths and needs. Options include:

●      Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) + Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

Encourages desired behaviors through simple, rewards-based lessons

●      Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Encourages early development through everyday activities and parent-child play

●      Natural Environment Training

Builds skills in children’s natural settings and real-life situations

ABA therapies can also be used alongside other interventions such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and psychotherapy to improve daily functioning and communication between parents and children.

More Therapy Options for NDs

In addition to ABA, there are several other therapeutic approaches you may wish to explore, such as:

●      Speech Therapy + Language Therapy

Aims at improving verbal, nonverbal, and social communication

●      Developmental Therapy

Promotes social communication and interactions

●      Floor Therapy

Encourages emotional development and connection through play and social interaction on the floor

●      Neurodevelopmental Treatment

Uses movement analysis to identify posture and movement impairments and aims to optimize participation in a person's life roles

3 Steps for Finding Effective Therapy for Your Child

For many families, finding the right therapies is a matter of testing and learning, which comes with its ups and downs. Here are three steps that can help smooth out and speed up the process.

Embrace the Process

It’s important to approach the process with an open mind and remember that disappointment is part of the journey. Learning what doesn’t work for your child gets you one step closer to finding what does work.

Stay Up to Date with Research

It’s helpful to read the latest literature and learn from the experts. ND research is advancing quickly and new therapies are constantly evolving.

Connect with Others

Other families are an incredible resource for both knowledge and support. By connecting with others, you can share your setbacks and triumphs, roadmap your approach to treatment, and navigate challenges together.

More Ways to Get Help 

For more information on therapy options and living with ND, check out our Resources page and sign up for the Ball Four newsletter to receive updates about new articles, events, and more.


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